
8 Items

Why did Jesus come? To seek and save the lost

by Podcast

Each Christmas, many people in our society consider once again what it means that the Son of God came as a baby and lived among us.   So why did God become flesh? There are many reasons. But one reason Jesus tells us is to seek and save the lost.   Luke’s gospel tells us […]

Why did the Son of God come? To seek & save the lost

by Podcast

When you think about it, Christmas is a bizarre holiday. The core reason for it is that the Son of God left heaven and became a human being.   This is not normal behaviour. If we lived in heaven and reigned with all power and authority, we wouldn’t take a step down. Nobody likes to […]

Jesus came into the world to call sinners to repentance

by Podcast

Christmas is a time when we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. But why did the Son of God become a human and live on this earth? Why is his birth worth celebrating?   Jesus himself tells us that one of the reasons he came into the world was to call sinners to repentance.   […]

Why was Jesus born? To conquer Satan

by Joel Radford

The reason we celebrate Christmas is because of the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. But why did Jesus come into this world? There are many answers to that question. But to understand one of the answers, we must go back to the beginning of the Bible and learn about the problem Jesus […]

Why do we celebrate Christmas?

by Joel Radford

One of the questions that arises amongst Christians at this time of year is whether it is appropriate to celebrate Christmas. After all, the origins of Christmas celebrations are not to be found in the Bible. And aren’t the Scriptures supposed to be our final authority on all matters, including public worship. If this is […]

‘Immanuel’ means ‘God with us’

by Joel Radford

This Christmas morning I want you to consider Jesus Christ whose birth we’re celebrating today.  Now there are many things that I could ask you to consider, for example what it means that an angel spoke to Jesus’ parents, or what it means that he was born of a virgin, or what it means that […]

‘Jesus’ means Saviour

by Joel Radford

As we come to Christmas, this week I want to take a break from our current series of going through an old list of questions and answers contained in the Westminster Larger Catechism. Instead I want to take some time to look at what it means that the Son of God was also called ‘Jesus’. […]

Why celebrate Christmas?

by Joel Radford

At Christmas it is a bit hard not to hear something about Jesus Christ. After all, only those ignorant of history think the meaning of Christmas is Santa Claus and not Jesus Christ. But why do Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ? The birth of Jesus is significant because it is the fulfilment of […]