Sermons by Josh Parker

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Josh Parker – The Righteousness, Justice and Wrath of God


Josh Parker – The Righteousness, Justice and Wrath of God God is perfectly just and righteous. He always does what is right, and is impartial. He is the judge of all the nations and will punish the guilty and reward the righteous. God Is Just and Righteousa) God rules justly and righteously – Psalm 89:14; […]

Josh Parker – The Omniscience and Wisdom of God


Josh Parker – The Omniscience and Wisdom of God God is all-knowing and perfectly wise. No one can hide from God or escape His notice – He sees all. And God uses His perfect knowledge with perfect wisdom – with understanding, goodness and righteousness. Perfect Knowledgea) God never learns anything – Romans 11:33-34; Isaiah 40:13-14b) […]

Josh Parker – The Omnipotence and Sovereignty of God


Josh Parker – The Omnipotence and Sovereignty of God God is all-powerful and sovereign. Nothing is outside His control. Nothing is too hard for God. We are dependent, weak and totally helpless without God – and that means God gets all the glory! God Is Almighty and Sovereign God Is Powerful in Creation God Is […]

Josh Parker – The Spirituality and Omnipresence of God


Josh Parker – The Spirituality and Omnipresence of God God is a spirit, and therefore has no body or form like us. God cannot be seen. He has no limitations, and so is present everywhere. What does that mean for us? God is Spirit 1) God does not have a body like us 2) God […]

Josh Parker – The Triunity of God


Josh Parker – The Triunity of God The triunity of God – as one in essenec but three in person – is the most unique attribute of the Christian God. It is also the most likely for Christians to drift in to heresy when they try to explain it. How would you explain the Trinity? […]

Josh Parker – The Holiness of God


Josh Parker – The Holiness of God The professing church often has a low view of God. How high is your view of God? What is Holiness?   God is Completely Other   God is Pure   Christ is Holy   Our Response  

Joshua Parker – The Folly of Greed – Luke 12:13-21


Joshua Parker – The Folly of Greed – Luke 12:13-21 The Parable of the Rich Fool 13 Someone in the crowd said to him, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.” 14 Jesus replied, “Man, who appointed me a judge or an arbiter between you?” 15 Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on […]

Joshua Parker – The God Who Forgives – Luke 7:36-50


Joshua Parker – The God Who Forgives – Luke 7:36-50 Jesus Anointed by a Sinful Woman 36 When one of the Pharisees invited Jesus to have dinner with him, he went to the Pharisee’s house and reclined at the table. 37 A woman in that town who lived a sinful life learned that Jesus was eating at […]