Posts from December 2011

4 Items

Why celebrate Christmas?

by Joel Radford

At Christmas it is a bit hard not to hear something about Jesus Christ. After all, only those ignorant of history think the meaning of Christmas is Santa Claus and not Jesus Christ. But why do Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ? The birth of Jesus is significant because it is the fulfilment of […]

Objection: The church is full of hypocrites

by Joel Radford

In this bulletin series we’ve been looking at the common objections to Christianity. This week I want to look at the objection that Christians are hypocrites and so Christianity should be rejected. Hypocrisy is universally condemned. We naturally scorn those who claim to believe one thing, yet act in another way. And when we see […]

Objection: Everything is relative, there are no absolutes

by Joel Radford

In this bulletin series we’ve been looking at the common objections to Christianity. This week I want to look at the objection that Christianity is not true because everything is relative. Christianity is built on absolutes. Christians believe in absolute truth. For example we believe ‘that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, […]