For the last two weeks we’ve been looking at the difference between Christianity and other major religions – particularly their teaching about how to get to heaven. Today we will look at Christian Science which has a number of churches here in Sydney.

Christian Science is a religion started by Mary Baker Eddy in the 1800s. She claimed that she had received a direct revelation from God that gave rise to the Christian Science’s definitive book, Science and Health, With a Key to the Scriptures.

One of the primary emphases in Christian Science is Spirit over matter. From Eddy’s book we read: ‘Matter has no life, hence it has no real existence.’ Thus sickness and death are illusions. Sin is also denied: ‘…evil is but an illusion, and it has no real basis. Evil is a false belief.’

Therefore it is no surprise that Christian Science does not teach that Jesus died to pay the penalty for sins: ‘The material blood of Jesus was no more efficacious to cleanse from sin when it was shed upon “the accursed tree,” than when it was flowing in His veins, as he went daily about his Father’s business’.

How is one saved in Christian Science? Well if there is no sin to be saved from then there is no need to be saved. Thus Eddy wrote in her other writings: ‘Man as God’s idea is already saved with an everlasting salvation’. In Christian Science, everyone is already saved.

But the Bible teaches the opposite of what Christian Science proclaims. The apostle John writes ‘If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:8-9).’ To obtain salvation you must recognise your sin and confess it to God who then forgives your sin through the work of Jesus at the cross. People who deny this, like those who hold to the teachings of Christian Science, cannot call themselves Christians. John says they are self-deceived.

Do you recognise your sinfulness and the need for Christ to purify you by his blood? Or do you follow false teachings, like those of Christian Science?

Joel Radford